The company in legal terms is an economic activity professionally organized in order to produce or exchange goods or services.
By its nature, but above all for its survival cannot not communicate both internally and externally, and on this behavior is played the entire game of its life. Obviously good communication will be the one that leads to a result.
When we speak about the corporate communication automatically we refer to Marketing, public relation, advertising etc..
But we want to detach ourselves from the automatism and focus on the Company's real engine, the one purely internal: human resources.
The role of human resources in building the competitive advantage is essential and takes on a meaning even more meaningful in the knowledge economy.
Hence the axiom THEATRE / COMPANY, a relationship "perfectly unusual" where the theatrical technique intertwines with the company's technique, working together on critical thinking, concerning the way in which an individual uses wisely the information at his disposal to guide his way of thinking and acting.
To achieve this goal we have built practical seminars/workshops to live internally in spaces accessible in the company, whose purpose is to:
improve the internal health by emphasizing the importance of the company culture;
- produce more lasting and competitive fruits and in the market working on motivation;
- stimulate the sense of belonging to the operational reality living a unique experience in its kind;
- optimize the cycle of the value of human resources: people-relationship- performance – development;
- improve the organizational climate.
"Talk to each other, exchange information is nature; take account of the information we are given is culture” (J. W. Goethe)